Kachemak Pony Club Member Information
Annual Dues and Forms
Pony Club members pay dues at all levels of the organization: National, Region (Alaska), and Local. Members must also be members of Kachemak Bay Equestrian Association.
For 2024, dues are:
National (paid online): new members, $155 renewing members, $145. prorated dues are available.
Regional: $35 per member (max $50 per family)
KPC club dues: $25 per member (max $50 per family)
KPC sponsor fee: $25 per family
Total annual dues for a renewing single member family for 2024 would be $230. For two or more renewing members from a family, the total annual due would be $125 in local/regional dues plus national dues per member.
Regional and club dues are paid directly to Kachemak Pony Club. Contact the KPC DC for more information on joining!
Link to KBEA Membership information (please contact KBEA for membership info! There are membership forms available at the Horse Park)
Ratings, USPC Resources
Stay tuned for more resources here from the USPC!
Sponsors & Officers
Our local Pony Club is run by the Club Officers, Volunteers, and the ‘Sponsors’ of the Club. Each family has one 'adult Sponsor who participates in Sponsor meetings to help set the schedule, local fees, and goals of the Kachemak Pony Club each year. In this way, Sponsors work somewhat like a nonprofit Board of Directors.
2021 KPC Officers
District Commissioner: Melon Purcell
Vice District Commissioner: Vana Roy
Treasurer: Ellirene Miller
Secretary: Rachel Lord
The Annual Sponsor Meeting is held in the fall. Additional meetings are called from time to time. Please contact the DC or Secretary for more information or with questions!
Other Alaska Pony Clubs & Region Information
The Alaska Region is made up of the six local Pony Clubs in Alaska: Fairbanks, Palmer, Anchorage, Soldotna, Homer and Juneau.
Redoubt Riders - Soldotna Facebook event page
Alpenglow - Palmer website
Midnight Run - Anchorage
Fairbanks - Great Alaskan Pony Club website / Facebook page
Juneau - Juneau Pony Club Facebook page
Alaska Region - website / Facebook page
Do I need to own a horse?
No, you may join Kachemak Pony Club without owning a horse. You can participate in unmounted meetings and learn Horse Management skills. This will allow members to try out Pony Club without having to first commit to horse ownership. However, to take full advantage of Pony Club, you eventually will need to have access to a suitable mount. You may lease, share, borrow, or own your horse/pony. At this time, the club does not provide members with horses, although depending on circumstances and prior riding ability, we may be able to assist in finding the right riding partner.
How old do you have to be to join Pony Club? Can adults join?
Pony Club is open to everyone! Youth members are under 25 years old. Adults are welcome to join as ‘Horsemasters’. Alaska’s clubs have occasionally hosted Horsemaster-specific activities. There is no lower age limit, however a child needs to have some comfort with reading and writing and safety being around horses. Parents are critical helpers, especially for younger members, and we rely on parent volunteers to make the club a success!
Does Pony Club provide regular horseback riding lessons?
No, Pony Club isn’t meant to be a replacement for regular horseback riding lessons. We try to hold regular mounted meetings through the summer and fall, but we encourage everyone to take advantage of riding lessons outside of Pony Club.
What are the expectations for parents to volunteer?
Every family is expected to participate and help run the club. There are a lot of ways to volunteer and help KPC run successfully! Some examples:
Bring snacks/drinks for meetings
Sign up to bring a meal to a visiting instructor
Clean up the Horse Park after a clinic/camp/meeting (putting away equipment like jumps, sweeping out the bathrooms, gathering any lost/found items, etc)
Lead a portion of a meeting! This may include arts/crafts, teaching a section of the D manual, etc.
Chaperone at a camp or clinic
What do I need to bring to mounted meetings? To unmounted meetings?
For all meetings, members should have their medical armbands and Pony Club pins. If you will be working on or around horses, please wear an approved helmet. Read whatever instructions were sent, and make sure to bring your D Manual and any other materials requested to unmounted meetings!